Updated Loyalty Rewards

We're happy to introduce our new and improved customer loyalty program! Note that this system is not activated by default. To opt into this loyalty system, please contact Nōwn Support at support@nownpos.com. Note that there is also a separate option to include or exclude modifiers from being able to be redeemed for free with items. More details on this further below! To see how customers can redeem their points using this new system, please see the updated reward redemption document here.

Should you opt in to use this new system, you will be able to have more granular control over exactly what items your customers are able to redeem for points, and how many points are required to redeem each item.

This is done through the use of different reward "levels", of which you can have up to 5 at any given time. These levels can be used in different ways, such as to allow you to offer seasonal or limited-time promotions to your customers, or simply just as different reward levels. They are easily configurable, and can be enabled or disabled with the press of just a few buttons!

To access the new Loyalty configuration page, simply select the "Customers" tab, and click on the "Loyalty" option on the top-left.

Where to find the new Loyalty Configuration Page in Nōwn POS.

Setting Up Your Reward Levels

The first step in using the new loyalty rewards system is to set up your reward levels from the Loyalty configuration page.

To begin, press the "Create New" button to create your first reward level (1).

1. Press "Create New"

Next, click on the "Edit" (pencil icon) button. This will enable you to edit the level's fields and active status:

Press the Edit Level button on the right to allow editing.

Once the level you'd like to edit has been selected, you can edit the reward level label (1), the amount of points required to redeem this level (1), the active status of the level (2), as well as upload an image associated with this particular level by pressing the "upload" text on the left-side of the level box (3). The file types supported for these images are PNG, JPG/JPEG, BMP, and GIF, and must be exactly 800x500 pixels.

If you happen to upload the wrong photo to a level accidentally, you can press the "Undo" button right next to the upload button to bring back the previous photo to that level.

Once complete, press the yellow "edit level" button again (4) to finalize your changes, and then press the big yellow "Save" button at the bottom right (5). Repeat for each level you wish to add or edit.

1. Label/Points 2. Activation toggle 3. Upload image 4. Edit button 5. Save button

Once you've successfully added menu items to a certain reward level, you'll be able to see the number of items in each level on the selected menu. To do this, first select which menu you'd like to view the items of from the drop-down menu at the top-right (1). The number of items assigned to each reward level from the selected menu will be counted and displayed inside this button (2). If you press on the "View Items" button, it will also open a modal that will list all items within that level with their associated thumbnail.

1. Select the menu for which you wish to view the items assigned. 2. The View Items button lists the number of items in each reward level for the selected menu. It is also clickable!
List of items redeemable under the 200-point level.

Updating Your Menu with Reward Levels

In order to apply your reward levels to your menu items, each individual item that you wish to add to a level will need to be edited through the Products page, where you'd normally edit your menus' items and modifiers.

To begin, choose the menu you wish to work with, and select the item you wish to add to a reward level. Once you've selected the item you want, scroll down to Advanced Settings and turn on the "Points Redeemable" toggle shown below. Once this toggle is turned on, you will be able to choose which reward level you'd like to add this item to from the dropdown menu below it.

Once you're finished, don't forget to hit the Save button at the bottom-right!

Modifier Reward Options

There are two ways that modifiers can be handled with our new loyalty rewards system. Modifiers can either be included for free with whatever item is chosen, or modifiers will be ignored from being redeemed for points with the chosen item and will still be charged to the customer upon checkout.

Free Modifier option enabled:

This option covers the modifier cost with customers' rewards points.

Free Modifier option disabled:

This option forces customers to pay for any modifiers added to their reward item.