POS Updates - Feb 7

New Feature: Kiosk - Pay at Counter

Introducing a new way to checkout at Kiosks! Customers can chose to pay their dues at a POS station by selecting "Pay at Counter" during checkout.

To get started, enable "Pay at Counter for Kiosks" and "Holding Orders" within settings.

Afterwards, during Kiosk checkout, the option to "Pay at Counter" will be available to customers.

Such orders will then show up as held orders on POS stations.

Enhancement: KDS and EXPO Improvements

Our KDS and EXPO systems have been improved to ensure smother operation in broader environments.

  • Tickets sent to KDS will now also be sent to EXPO at the same time.
  • Improved clarity of ticket status and current mode of operation (Kitchen Display vs EXPO).
  • Station name and service mode (DINE-IN/TAKE-OUT) will now be visible on KDS/EXPO tickets.

Additional Fixes:

  • Items (with backorders disabled) will be ineligible for purchase when out of stock.
  • When printing receipts, item-level printer settings will take priority over default settings.
  • Held orders are now listed chronologically, and can be sorted (ASC/DESC).